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The Bethlehem Gate.

The Bethlehem Gate is one of the 12 Gatesof Jerusalem Watch prayer initiative by Jerusalem House of Prayer for all Nations.

The Jerusalem House of Prayer for all Nations (JHOPFAN) was established by Tom Hess. In 1987, he moved to Jerusalem to establish a 24-hour prayer watch there to pray for peace in Jerusalem and for the nations of the world. The Gates of Jerusalem Watch is part of this prayer initiative: 12 prayer teams pray daily for 2 hours at the 12 gates of Jerusalem.
In September 1999, Hess called together the first convocation for 24-hour prayer watches. Many nations were represented at this convocation and Hess is currently working hard to establish 24-hour prayer watches all over the world. During the past decade, several other prayer watches have been established in Israel. ( /
The Gates of Jerusalem Watch is made up of 12 gates namely; New Gate, Samuel’s Mt Gate, Damascus Gate, Bethel Gate, Lions Gate, Golden Gate, Bethany Gate, Mount Zion Gate, Bethlehem Gate, Ein Kerem Gate, Mevasseret Gate & Jaffa Gate. Various nations of the world are grouped into various gates.
The following nations make up the Bethlehem Gate: Zimbabwe, Angola, Central African Republic, Zambia, Cameroon, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Egypt, Sudan, Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, D. R. Congo.
Our key objectives as the Bethlehem Gate:
  1. Spiritual co-ordination of different nations in the Bethlehem Gate through; Communication/information sharing, Liaising with JHOPFAN, Mobilising the Body of Christ and Nations to stand with Israel
  2. Alignment of spiritual and prayer watch initiatives established in various nations with JHOPFAN mandate
  3. Mobilising nations to become a part of the annual convocation (All Nations Convocation)

               Tom HESS en Famille        Fondateur de la maison de prière             Dans le ministère 

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